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Relational security campaign – SEE THINK ACT
As part of its response to a series of escapee incidents, the NHS wanted a communications campaign for all staff at UK mental health secure units – from consultants to domestic helpers.
The main aim of the campaign was to reduce the number of serious incidents and escapes in secure mental health units and to spread understanding of relational security and the behaviours and actions needed to maintain it. The campaign needed to make it clear that security is everyone’s responsibility.
The design focused on two priorities: first raising awareness and secondly providing useful tools that could be repeatedly used to inform staff, train new recruits and consistently improve security processes. The materials needed to be widely accessible in both message and language, which was critical to reaching staff with lower literacy levels and those whose first language is not English.
Using the central message ‘SEE THINK ACT – keep everyone safe’, I devised posters and a supporting handbook to help bring the subject to life and generate awareness. The posters were based on eight themes tailored to specific audiences; ward based staff and clinical leads, patients and visitors.
A supporting handbook and interactive group discussion tool, the Relational Security Explorer, was created for staff to help them identify security issues and take the necessary action.
The interactive tool and handbook were tested with five medium-secure units. Reactions were described by the research agency as ‘overwhelmingly positive’. The materials were welcomed by staff of all types, especially those with training responsibilities. One respondent said ‘this captures the real issues’, while another commented: ‘it names the things we do’.
Three editions have been produced to date, and thousands of booklets have been printed and distributed to medium and high secure mental health services across the UK (nearly 130 hospitals). The Australian Health & Forensic Mental Health Network has also requested to use the materials.
"FrontFoot worked with Duncan as the primary partner to develop See Think Act for the Royal College of Psychiatrists. With FrontFoot providing the content and editing and Duncan bringing the look and design to the publication. Together we were able to fulfill the requirements of the College, producing a publication that was instantly well received in the forensic mental health community. See Think Act now has a solid reputation as a highly valued contribution to services."
Elizabeth Allen: Author of 'See Think Act' and Managing Director of FrontFoot